
Availability for use. Приклади
  • The materials at the command of the potters grew.
The power or authority to command. Приклади
  • An admiral in command.
Great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity. Приклади
  • A good command of French.
(computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program.
An authoritative direction or instruction to do something.
A military unit or region under the control of a single officer.
A position of highest authority. Приклади
  • The corporation has just undergone a change in command.
Make someone do something.
Be in command of. Приклади
  • The general commanded a huge army.
Demand as one's due. Приклади
  • This speaker commands a high fee.
  • The author commands a fair hearing from his readers.
Exercise authoritative control or power over. Приклади
  • Control the budget.
  • Command the military forces.
Look down on. Приклади
  • The villa dominates the town.
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